Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tour of Manawatu Bike Ride

Yesterday was such a bad rainy cold day. The rains were hard and winds high even into the early hours of the morning. Today was the Tour of Manawatu Bike Ride. I was scheduled to do 50km. When I awoke the sun was out and the temperature was still cool but a perfect day for a ride. Fantastic Ride!! Extremely well organized. It was a timed event. Every cycle had a timer mounted on the front fork. Prizes were amazing--two plasma 42" TVs, 6 bikes, 5 $250 gift cerificates, $500 in outdoor patio furniture and all kinds of bike gear. I even won a nice Michelin 700 tire. The route was great, few hills, and a lot of head and cross winds (these are the Noreaster Winds sometimes 30-40 knots). But the sun was shining the entire day!!! Great friends. Here are a few of the pictures. How about the bagpipes at mid ride!

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